이미지가 없음
이미지 없음
  Oh Seong Gwon

   Dept. of Electronic and Information Engineering
   Seoul National University of Science and Technology
   232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, 01811, Seoul, KOREA

  [Education & Experiences]
   Engineer, Samsung Electronics DTV SoC Team, S.LSI Business, DS Division
   2018.02, Master of Science in Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.
                   - Thesis Title : "32-bit Low-Poewr Microprocessor for Mobile Healthcare System"
   2015.03 - 2018.02, Graduate Student, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.
    2013.03 - 2018.02, Research Assistant, Computer Systems Lab, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.
    2009.03 - 2015.02, Undergraduate Student, Dept. of Electronic and Information Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology.
  [Research Interests]
   Computer Programing
   Digital System Design
   RTL Design
   Cortex m0, m3 integration
   Digital Signal Processor

    - 폭증스트림 데이터의 실시간 고가용 처리 서비스를 제공하는 다수 서버 분산 메모리의 통합 캐쉬 가상화 기술 기반 특화 응용 SW 개발, 미래창조과학부, 2013-2015.
    - 단일 노드 48TB 이상을 지원하는 개방형 하둡 스토리지 어플라이언스 개발, 미래창조과학부, 2013-2016.
    - 주력산업 고도화를 위한 SoC 결합형 임베디드SW 핵심기술 개발 및 산업생태계 개선, 산업통상자원부, 2014-2015.
    - 스마트키 기능을 포함하는 밴드형 웨어러블 디바이스 및 핵심기술 개발, 산업통상자원부, 2014-2016.
    - 다중코어 암호연산기의 데이터 처리를 위한 스케줄링 기법 연구, 국가보안기술연구소, 2015-2015.
    - 국산 CPU코어 내장 수mW급 저전력 모바일 헬스케어 SOC개발, 산업통상지원부, 2015-2016.

    2014. 12. 22. Altera Design Contest - Excellence Award (Hosted by Axios, sponsered by Altera)
    2014. 12. 12. 국민대학교 산학협력 페스티벌 캡스톤 디자인 오픈마켓 - 특별상 (Hosted by KookminLink)
    2014. 11. 10-11. 공학계열 졸업작품 전시회 - 우수상 (Hosted by Seoultech)
    2014. 10. 08. LINC Capstone Design Contest - Participation Award, Popularity Award (Hosted by SeoultechLink)
    2013. 11. 30. Altera Design Contest - Participation Award (Hosted by Axios, sponsered by Altera)

  International Journal Papers
  1. "3D Interaction Glove: Virtual and Physical Space Realization Through Data Glove",
  Sang Muk Lee, Jung Woo Shin, Oh Seong Gwon, and Seung Eun Lee
  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.10, num.17, pp. 38354-38357, March 2015.
 International Conference Papers
  3. "Real-time PPG Monitoring System for Mobile Healthcare Devices",
     Ji kwang Kim, Jung Hwan Oh, Ohseong Gwon, Ji Kwang Kim, Jung Wung Yang, Seung Eun Lee
     21st International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2017), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 2017.
  2. "Live Demonstration : AHB based Digital Filter for Low Power Mobile Healthcare System",
     Oh Seong Gwon, Ji Kwang Kim, Jung Woo Shin, Seung Eun Lee
     13th IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APPCAS 2016), Jeju, Oct. 2016.
  1.  Accelerating Forex Trading System Through Transaction Log Compression
    Ji Hoon Jang, Sang Muk Lee, Sang Don Kim, Oh Seong Gwon, Eunnuri Ko, Seong Mo Lee, Jung Woo Shin, and Seung Eun Lee
    Jeju, Korea, Nov. 2014.
 Korean Journal Papers
  1. DATE 2015 참관기  
    권오성, 신정우, 이건하, 고은누리
    IDEC 뉴스레터, pp11-13. 2015년 4월호(통권 214호).
 Korean Conference Papers
  3. "웨어러블 디바이스를 위한 차량용 통신 네트워크 구현",
  신정우, 이상묵, 권오성, 오정환 고재진, 이상엽, 이승은
  2016년 SoC 학술대회, 2016 5월.
  2.  FX 마진거래 시스템을 위한 하드웨어 가속기 구조
    장지훈, 이상묵, 권오성, 김상돈, 이성모, 정혜동, 이승은
    2014년 SoC 학술대회, 2014년 5월.
  1.  3D Image Rendering을 위한 Data Glove 장치의 구현
    권오성, 신정우, 이상묵, 이승은
    2014년 SoC 학술대회, 2014 5월.

  4   "low-power low-performance processor"     SPL meeting. Aug, 2015.
  3   "Cortex M0 instruction"     SPL meeting. Jan, 2015.
  2   "Cortex M0 구조"     SPL meeting. Sept, 2014.
  1   "Reconfigurable Computing FPGA Tools Challenges: Accessing SRAM Design Example"     SPL meeting. July, 2013.

    - FPGA prototyping
    - High-level Computer Language: C Programing, JAVA
    - Analysis Language: MATLAB
    - EDA tools: OrCAD PSpice, ModelSim, Quartus, Xilinx ISE, Xilinx Vivado, Astro, IC Compiler, Design Compiler, VCS, NCsim
    - Microprocessor: Atmega128, ARM, adstar

    2015.02.25-02.27 - Cadence Virtuoso Schematic & Spectre, IDEC,
    2014.11 - CMOS 아날로그 집적회로 실무를 위한 이론 및 실습 II, IDEC.
    2014.11 - CMOS 아날로그 집적회로 실무를 위한 이론 및 실습 I, IDEC.

  [Graduate Courses]
   Advanced Digital Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processor Application, Fault Tolerance Processor Design,
   Networks-on-Chip Design, Advanced Computer Architecture, Advanced Algorithms(Security), Embedded Software.
   Probability and Random Process, System on Chip(SoC) Design Methodology.

  [Undergraduate Courses]
    Computer Programming(C Programming), Digital Logic Circuit, Electromagnetics, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Engineering Programming(MATLAB),
    Electric Circuit Experiment, Engineering Mathmatics, Microwave Engineering, Electronic Circuit, Microprocessor, Signals and Systems,
    Control System Engineering, Computer Application System Design, Semiconductor engineering,
    Computer architecture,Internet Protocol, Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, Embedded System, Mobile Programming(JAVA)

3. "Low-power hardware accelerator for Biomedical Signal Processing"

   - Designer : Kim Ji Kwang, Gwon Oh Sung, Oh Jung Hwan
   - Technology : SMIC 0.11um CMOS (1-poly 6-metal)
   - Tape Out : 2017. 9. 11
   - Digital Power Supply : 1.2V
   - Analog Supply Voltage : 3.3V
   - Core Size : 3.5mm x 3.5mm

2. "32bit Low Power Microcontroller"

   - Designer : Gwon Oh Sung, Lee Sang Muk
   - Technology : Magnachip hynix 0.18um CMOS (1-poly 6-metal)
   - Tape Out : 2016. 7. 18
   - Power Supply : 3.3V
   - Core Size : 3.8mm x 3.8mm

1. "HPU01: Low-power Processor for Healthcare Wearable Device"

   - Designer : Gwon Oh Sung, Kim Ji Kwang
   - Technology : SMIC 0.11um CMOS (1-poly 8-metal)
   - Tape Out : 2016. 6. 9
   - Power Supply : 1.2V
   - Core Size : 3.5mm x 3.5mm