이미지가 없음
  Development for Processing Software on AI Semiconductor Devices (2022.07-2029.12)
      Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea

  Development of real time monitoring sensor for gas pipe (2022.04-2026.12)
      Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korea
      - Miniaturization of non-destructive Magnetic Eddy Current (MEC) modules for next-generation high-resolution Pipe Inspection Gear (PIG)
      - Development of High-Speed Sensor Signal Processing SoC for next-generation PIG

  ECC for high-speed SCM based PIM (2022.04-2025.12)
      Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea
      - Investigate methods of encoding/decoding and structure of ECC models
      - Analyze Word error rate of ECC models

  Development of DRAM PIM semiconductor technology for enhanced computing function for edge (2022.04-2025.12)
      Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea
      - Fabrication of semiconductor chip for PIM memory based on low power eDRAM for edge
      - Development of SW/SDK and test environment for PIM based on eDRAM

  Next-Generation System Semiconductor Design Engineer Development Program (2021.03-2026.02)
      Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korea